The Valdinievole is a historical area of passage: pilgrims, men of arms, and merchants of all times have walked across its lands. Today, along the main road of communication which crosses it and connects the capital city of Tuscany, Florence, to the main coastal resorts starting with Viareggio, you will come across a widely urbanized territory.
Our woods and valleys will plunge you into the past. A lot of things here are uncontaminated and far away from civilisation. The woods can offer walks through itineraries and mule-tracks which date back hundreds of years.
The itinerary “Valle del Pescia” represents a fundamental link between the system of routes through the Svizzera Pesciatina and the hills surrounding Lucca and those of the natural reservation called Padule di Fucecchio (Fucecchio Swamp) and from here, the ancient Via Francigena which in ancient times was the road travelled by pilgrims who were crossing Tuscany on their way to the Eternal City.
This itinerary allows you to cross the western Valdinievole lengthwise, starting from Pescia, along the riverbed of the stream bearing the same name, to the Padule basin. It crosses several municipalities: Montecarlo, Chiesina Uzzanese and Ponte Buggianese. In a few places you have to be careful because you need to cross some very busy roads, but the route that follows the river-bends and crosses numerous little bridges offers a wide view of the Valdinievole and surrounding hills covered in olive groves.
Naturalists will be able to detect examples of swamp wildlife (such as white or grey herons) and, in the spring, some beautiful plant species like the water-lily and yellow iris.